Friday, July 17, 2009

Return of Saturn

Ahhh the return of saturn.... In most astology around the world it has been noted that Saturn takes about 28-29 years to do a full rotation. This means when you were born you have a individual saturn sign, and thirty years from there it will revistit, and 30 years from then it will revisit again and so on.
When Saturn comes back around in your birth sign, it is the culmination of your first life phase, things should start to become challenging, and harder to attain. pushing us to work harder, and perservere. It is a very exiting time of shedding and reforming . It is also a time when everything is tested and quizzed for it's meaning, use and relevance in your life.

SO.........I am smack dab in the middle of mine. My Saturn sign is Virgo. The calculating, and mercurial hawk eye of Virgo.
Virgo has a insane attention, to method, function, order, hard work, organization, meticulousness, and painstaking streamlining.
These are some of my good and bad qualities!!! I am pretty stringent with detail, but have a huge creative tether to spin around in, hence the rest of my gemini saturated chart!!!
Saturn's return is also about refining what you want in life, relationships, home and spirit.
This is very prevalent in my everyday life....

I keep getting this feeling like it is the calm before the storm.
My husband [ amazing musician and actor, total historian ] and I will be shaking everything up and moving our lives forward, and more than likely away from ol' Nelson
In Nelson forward means either buying land or moving to the city, or just away....
We both need feel a bit stifled being 9 hours away from Vancouver and 10 hours from Calgary.There is very little supplies and my imagination is much bigger than the art store here, and the dumpsters are locked up.
I just think it is time to spread our wings again.

What is great about the situation is my husband and I are really FREE! We chose not to have kids 8 years ago and have never looked back, we are both musicians and artist, but with quote mature tendancies {earl greay tea, rocking chair, book} but
we just realized we are still young and are not settling down here jusy yet!!!
It is all very exiting and frustrating!!

I woke up this morning daydreaming of the new era coming!!! Etsy is maintaining their site right now so I cannnot go on,
So I am going to water my garden!!

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