Sunday, July 26, 2009

Breakers and Thunder

The weather here in Nelson has been crazy, thunder, lightening, rain, but 29-30 degrees. HOT and MUGGY!
I went to my studio today feeling fresh, rested, well loved and generally stoked to get down to it.
I put on Mars Volta and charged up! I put emulsion on my screens , and put a space heater in the closet to dry the screens faster, went about cutting and printing a new dress. I plugged in my iron and a huge snap, boom occured right as the thunder let it lungs sing! Ok.....

With great preperation and distress that it is sunday and nobody is here in the building but me ,I flicked the breaker.
It almost fell out of the box, seriously!!
I got so scared that I would start a fire!.

Here I lam sitting wondering what the "+*?% to do!!

I looked closer and the one i had flipped was on but another off right beside it.
OK DONE!! I walked away, plugged in my iron, sewing machine on my other
desk and kept on working.
But I did take some new shots of the new studio as we are settling in.
Lady Bubzee came for a screenprinting date and left us some lovely
premanent art for the Nu Haus Studio, which was
such a honor, I love her paintings!

I also wanted to show how adorable and lovely my two children are.
Io is 12 and Osi is 2, she is a rare orange female.
Look at them, just look.........

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