Tuesday, April 13, 2010


new home!

Mark found a Bees Nest!

OK....Where do I start?
So I have moved back to Nelson BC. My father and my husbands father have fallen ill, and family seemed to
be the most important in our lives. We have found a home in the beautiful Slocan Valley, that we feel we can
nest and create while being close to family when they need us the most.

Yup, it was a tough circumstance, but a easy decision to come home. My new Saga starts May 1st.
I have access to a studio space on the property, and we are also planning to get our selves some
chickens, and goats.

This is the other side of me essentially. Lady of the mountains, hanging with the animals and plants that sustain
us. The city was rad....Inspiring, creative, freeing and of course simulating. My major concerns where the food
and water while living in the heart of Montreal. It was disgusting at times. My hubby and I value food and water
with sacred consciousness and started having interesting conversations about survival, tainted food chain, etc.

I had no idea Dad would fall ill, but somehow the events unfolding matched my intuition with another big change.
It has been a very revealing time in my life. So here comes the creative challenges!!

So we shipped our stuff back on GREYHOUND, and my hubby forgot to insure my sewing machines and my Serger
is smashed. So I am in limbo waiting for this house, new studio, and new serger!! As well as having totes of RAD Montreal
fabric at my fingertips, just waiting for me to cut and drape!!


spirocreations said...

blessings as you adjust and recover from the move...I hope both of your fathers recover quickly...

elysium said...

Thank you so much. It has been intense but so humbling