Saturday, February 28, 2009

This studio means everything to my creative self right now. this space has served me well for almost 2 years, and going strong. Many people have come and gone, but I have managed to stay put underneath the big, lovely skylight!!

these pictures are all the different nooks and cranny's of our humble abode, our second home, our sane zone!
There is quite large backroom and a smaller front room which all my sewing machine and my hubby's art reside .

studio pics!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hello Kids, dreamers, co creators, and gravitron is some more pics to get this ball rolling. Tomorrow I will be in the etsy clothing showcase....There will be new dresses....
I am in concept realm as I type finger on plastic into this magic portal preparing to deliver the goods!!

ETSIOMNIA!! Hello to all.I have posted some pics of things for sale on my etsy site and a couple pics of my front room in the ART HAUS STUDIO
Things have been pretty chaotic here, but very progressive. My studio partners have just as much on their to-do lists and we all need the tripod or computer at about the same time! Hence we have posted a calender and are chatting more about trynig to get a rotation happening. I have been soooo loathing this weather, just as we did the rain dance....back to snow falling and cold tempertures! Somedays I am shocked at the weight of apparel I am packing..
get this... today I am wearing, a full bodysuit, 2 pairs of wooly socks, a dress, 2 sweaters, 3 scarves, armwarmers ,coat, gloves and a kidney warmer.. for real...And get this I 'm cold!!
Our lovely studio built in 1901 has 2 massive and well appreciated skylights, but there is a draft of icy air and sometimes a spit of snow.Kim and I have tried to get up there on the ladder but it is like 16 ft ceiling and huge space up to skylight.
So we have agreed to stop complaining, get those armwarmers on and KEEP MOVING!!
It is funny cause be for we know it we will be roasting in here!
Our seasons are very extreme here in Nelson BC, very rigid changes. So it is March 1st next week, temperature is minus 4 degrees by June it could be plus 30 degrees!!
My wedding last year June 21st was 36 degrees. WHEW!!
So back to fashion.... I am feeling pretty connected to my ideas these past days. there is a strong urge to use prints again which I stayed away from for a while after some shocked friends reactions...I have to remember the small town comfortable t shirt thing though!! Our town like green, and brown. In hemp and exterior serging !! Yuck!
So I have moved on. I am not following this trend.Iam back to ELYSIUM roots.
Back to the roots of OOAK creations, fabric prints, and more elaborate design.
Well On the 26th it was the 1 month anny of my etsy shop and I am thrilled.I have made the front page 3 times, one treasury, 2 other blogs and 9 sales!! YAA!!
I would be seriously sitting pretty if I could just keep doin what I am doin!!
There doesnt seem to be anything in the way but my shivering cold hands!!
I want to thank everyone for supporting me whether it is inspiration, sales, press or etsy hearts THANK YOU ALL
Love Luv LV FREYA at

Sunday, February 22, 2009

gearing up

WEll, it is almost spring, and I have crossed every to do item off my fall list!. I made several collections of clothing for Global Underground here in Nelson BC (422 Herridge Lane) They have been so lovely. I have also opened my etsy shop YAAAA!!!
elysiumclothing, It was exactly the community I have been craving to be a part of. So many talented designers and sewers..well everyting. It all is very exiting. I never would have thought but I have already made the front page 3 times !!
I am so proud of my crappy camera it giving me some great photos!! Yesterday I got featured in a etsy treasury

It was a very pretty mix of urban, modern chic, but palyful and wearable too!! I am designing a mini collection for etsy this week, a mix of one of a kinds and duplications. I only make 3-6 garments when I go into mini production of a certain style.
it all depends on the mix I am using. Elysium garments are a mix of vintage scores and new fabrics. So if their is just enough for 3 thats it! That is why I love doing this, constant growth !.
I will catch up soon, I am going to play with OSI, kitty number 1 the babay!